“The key to knowledge is, in fact, persistent and frequent questioning.” –Peter Abelard.

Enero 2025
BRS BRANDING STUDIO www.brsbranding.com
Brand and Identity Design, Graphic Design, Product development and Style GuideDesign
As I work with new clients I realize and become more fascinated by the process of discovering the strengths of their brands and I am surprised by the inner journey my clients take and how powerful it is (I didn't expect it when I started with brand workshops )
This process is something that all big companies and Silicon Valley startups follow to get where they are. (I learned part of this in a Stanford diploma, crazy, right?)
We all want different results, but I realize that it is not enough to do things differently, we have to start questioning where we are acting from.
To this day, everything you believe to be correct gives you the results you are having.
So maybe not everything you think is right is exactly everything you have to do, especially if it is not working 100% for you, if you are having average results or if you plan to scale your business.
Doing what you do differently will give you different BUT SIMILAR results.
There is no growth.
What is a brand workshop?
The first thing that happens in a brand workshop is that you start to question everything. Why do you do what you do?
Why are you in that business beyond the money?
99.9% of my clients and students in my workshop have the misconception that their brands are their logos and any visual extension of them. Your brand is much more than that, it is what others think of you and while we cannot force them to think a certain way, we can influence them.
Creating complete experiences, but you can only create these in an authentic, different and consistent way if you first obtain a deep knowledge of your brand.
Define deeply and assertively Who are you? Why do you do your business?
What are you really doing? I don't mean: I make food, mezcal, drinks, consulting. The biggest vision for your business?
Who really are my ideal clients, what keeps them awake? Who are my competitors? Who are my hidden competitors?
Strategy and communication: Empowered with the power of the word first and secondly your visual communication system.
Deep knowledge of this will give you new energy and ideas to rise and take your brand to the next level, to your next goal, BEYOND!
Get access to the pre-recorded workshop CONQUER THE HEARTS AND PURSES OF YOUR CUSTOMERS. (In Spanish)
A journey inside your brand, assertively bringing to life the strengths that emotionally connect with you as a founder and with your clients.
Align your thoughts, your deepest desires with those of YOUR CLIENTS so that you start using the power of words and communicate emotionally with them.
If there is no process there is no progress.
This workshop will let you know what you have to highlight, change or transform. The pre recorded workshop is in Spanish. English 1&1 consultations are available.

Acceso inmediato y bonus sorpresa: Apenas te inscribas, puedes empezar a aprender al instante. Además, hay regalitos extra porque me gusta mimar a mi comunidad.

Hola, mi nombre es Blanca Ruíz y ayudo a las empresas a crear marcas exitosas.
Talleres de marca o terapia de marca
Diseño de Identidad Corporativa
Diseño Gráfico
Material impreso de marketing
Estrategia redes sociales
Blanca Ruíz
Consultora de marca y diseño gráfico
